Everyone should totally be playing Urban Dead with me. Because... come on, it's the cutest little crappy zombie game ever. I mean, really, half of the appeal is how bad it sucks. Come find me, I'm a medic named Karli Doraskaya. Wheee!
Made it home frome Dallas in one piece. I was on the ground in Texas for all of a minute when poweroftiga called me to ask how much longer it'd be before I was in Austin and able to see people and stuff. Billy is creepy-psychic sometimes. Anyway, there was no firey mid-air death and it's now totally, officially over, so I would call this a successful
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Glad I had the presence of mind to check whether the main doors of my office building were locked yet or not before going out to smoke (they aren't supposed to be locked until around 4pm on Saturday, but they're usually locked early). I almost got locked out with nothing but my keys... that would have made for quite an un-fun rest of the weekend
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Finally home! Overall, had a good trip... while my distaste for the Atlantic has been somewhat lessened, I think I'm still a California girl at heart. There's simply no surfing to be had on the East coast. It was nice having a big family for a while, but I'm glad to be back in my tiny apartment with no one but my cats around. Off to San Antonio
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